The Archway Foundation Grants Program journey has 5 key steps to ensure that each project is successful:

1️⃣ Application Submission:

Once you have reviewed the program and areas of interest, submit your application and a detailed proposal outlining your project idea, goals, team background, and how it meets the criteria.

2️⃣ Review + Evaluation

Your project’s application will be reviewed by the Grants Committee. This team will be reviewing applications on a rolling basis. During the review process, the committee may contact you for additional information.

If your application shows promise, the Grants Committee will arrange one or more interviews with its members.

3️⃣ Decision

After the Grants Committee reviews your application, you will be notified whether it has been accepted or denied.

If your application is accepted, you will proceed through an onboarding and due diligence process.

4️⃣ Onboarding

The applicant and the Grants Committee will collaborate to define and establish suitable milestones. Deliverables should be divided into milestones that are generally time-boxed into 2-6 week periods.

Once terms and milestones have been defined and agreed to, formal agreements will be completed.

Remember, grants are milestone-based, so the Grants Committee will clearly map out expectations and how deliverables will be tracked over the life of the grant.

In addition to any relevant funding, the Grants Program will arrange resources to prepare for your project's final deliverables.

5️⃣ Delivery

Progress will be actively monitored through regular status check-ins, milestone reporting, and continuous channels for collaboration and other forms of support from the Foundation and other core members of the ecosystem.

For each milestone, the grantee will submit a report for review, along with technical deliverables if necessary. If the milestone is approved, payment will be issued.

Upon completion of the final milestone, the grantee will submit a final report and participate in a final "exit" interview.